Tremblant in the Rain, Take 2

©2021, Emma Pittson, “Tremblant in the Rain, Take 2”. Painter.

Long time no blog! I was going great guns there for the first few months of 2021, and then starting in March my husband had to put in a lot of overtime, and frankly, it’s been that way ever since! When I’m not working at my own full-time job, I have to stay on top of practically everything else – making sure the kids are getting their homework done or aren’t going out of their minds with boredom (and walking into Mommy’s Zoom calls for work!), cooking, getting a handle on everything we’ll need to prepare my daughter for her new school, and making sure the house doesn’t fall into complete ruin. There are many, many corners of my house that I have not dusted in what seems like forever. Luckily, we’ve had exactly zero houseguests in the last year and a half, so no one’s been around to be horrified at my lax housekeeping.

Anyways, another reason why I haven’t produced much of anything in the last few months is because I’ve been in a period of serious re-evaluation of my own work. When I started this blog, it was to track my progress as I re-taught myself everything I’d forgotten from art school, or filled in what I missed. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished, but at the same time, I can look at my portfolio pages and not feel that the work there truly represents me as an artist. Don’t get me wrong: I enjoy the landscapes, but they also bore me! If I were to set up a website for my art (which I am very much aiming towards), the landscapes would not have any place on it. I consider them as less “elevator pitch” and more “art tool practice” – heavily-involved and elaborate colour wheels, if you will.

So I’m doing a lot of thinking, image-collecting, mood-boarding, and internal pep-talking. Now all I need is some free time, and I might just be able to make this happen!

To get my feet wet again, I upgraded my version of Corel Painter and tested it out by re-painting the Tremblant in the Rain painting. I’m MUCH happier with this version, and my husband liked it so much he half-jokingly offered me a job as a matte painter! (If only… if only…)

4 thoughts on “Tremblant in the Rain, Take 2

  1. Emma, I admire your dedication and perseverance. When I was your age, many moons ago, teaching and taking care of the kids and household left me zero time for making any kind of art. The fact that you are even attempting this is amazing. It has taking me to my retirement years to even contemplate trying to make something that I’m not ashamed of. It is a struggle everytime I look at a blank canvas. I tell my self I am no longer a teacher but a student. Eager to learn and make tons of mistakes. Doing it only for myself. Let’s enjoy the ride.


    1. Thank you, Deb! I think one of the reasons why it’s so hard to sit back and enjoy the process is because my time is so limited, and I feel like every moment needs to count. I’ll try to take a page from your book and remind myself that I’m here to learn. After all, every bad /disappointing painting brings us that much closer to finally making something that we might actually like.


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